2024 Disney Trip Payments
- Student total cost is $923.
- Chaperone total cost is $1,104.
- Starting Friday, August 18, 2023, the following people can start making Disney payments and reserve their spot on the trip.
- Seniors (class of 2024)
- Juniors (class of 2025)
- Chaperones (make sure Mr. Lukac confirmed that you are going to be a chaperone)
- Band members of chaperones
- All other students will need to wait until Friday, August 25th to make your first payment. Since this is the Juniors and Seniors last opportunity to take this trip, we want to make sure that there is plenty of room for them first. If you are a 9th or 10th grade student, never fear, we have never had to tell a student “no” for a Disney trip for lack of available space.
- Please make sure that your band fees for the 2023 season and any past season are paid in full before making Disney payments. We will verify band fee balances before applying payments to the trip. If there is an outstanding band fee balance, we will apply any Disney payments to that first before applying it to the trip.
Payment Schedule
Marching Band Fees must be paid in full first before any money is applied to the Trip.
- Friday, August 25 – $200 (or more) deposit paid per person (non refundable)
- This payment will determine if we can accept more chaperones. Please do not be late with this payment so we can get an accurate count of trip members.
- If any money is still owed to marching band fees will first be applied to the balance due, and then the remainder of the balance will be applied to the Disney Trip.
- Friday, September 29 – $100 (or more) per person (non refundable)
- Friday, October 27 – $100 (or more) per person (non refundable)
- Friday, November 24 - $100 (or more) per person (non refundable)
- Friday, December 29 - $100 (or more) per person (non refundable)
- Friday, January 26 - $100 (or more) per person (non refundable)
- Friday, February 23 - remaining balance PAID IN FULL (non-refundable)
- Make sure you put the student name with the payment.
- If you are making a chaperone payment, please YOUR name and then "chaperone" after your name.